Blue Peace Media Lab

Constructive Water Reporting in the Middle East

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Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Regional (MENA)
  • 2019 - 2021

  • Client

    Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)


    Media professionals, journalists, water sector stakeholders.

    Key Partners

    MiCT, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, BORDA, LEWAP and American University of Beirut – Issam Fares Institute.

    While working on water-related topics across the globe, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa, we noticed a discrepancy between findings in the water sector and knowledge and information in public. Whenever the media reported on water topics to reach policymakers and the general public, they were either overly technical and convoluted or tended to be panic-inducing, hysterical and sensationalist. Given the region’s dismal state of water management, we realised that we need to leverage pressure on decision-makers to adopt more constructive policies and solutions. To trigger this, the public needs to demand such changes. Who better to do so than journalists and media professionals? Our topic thus focuses on capacitating media professionals, helping them network, exposing them to constructive solutions, and strengthening their knowledge on water topics.

    Media coverage, audience interest and attention around the various aspects of water in the Middle East contribute towards sustainable water cooperation and management in the region, thus influencing policy dialogue in the Middle East. Our work with the Blue Peace Media Lab centres around three core activities:


    • Exposure & Capacity Building: Media and journalists can produce suitable, solution-oriented journalistic pieces on water-related topics.
    • Production & Dissemination: Water-sector stakeholders and the public sphere are sensitised to the importance and need for solutions and regional dialogue for water management in the Middle East.
    • Network: An active and motivated community of water journalists, media and water experts provides mutual support to cover complex water challenges and solutions adequately.



    We support journalists and media professionals uncovering attention-worthy stories and constructive water solutions and exploring innovative media formats to reach the right kind of audience. Further, we build bridges by bringing sector experts and media professionals to foster exchange and mutual learning. Our services included:



    • We train media professionals and journalists in Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon with interest and track record in water/environmental topics.
    • We organised the Water Journalism Academy, an online program conducted in our virtual venue


    Reach and connect

    • We facilitate exchange between water sector actors, innovators, change-makers and the media landscape through our exposure events and co-creation workshops, such as the Water and Energy Mediation.



    Links to publications

    Let’s work together!

    Only an informed public can constructively influence policy dialogue on water-related issues, which is why we aim to strengthen capabilities among media professionals and journalists to foster grounded knowledge and information-sharing in the region.

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