Educational Film - Tekeze-Atbara: All that we share

A documentary on the potential and benefits of transboundary collaboration in the Tekeze-Atbara River Basin

Ethiopia and Sudan
  • 2018

  • Clients

    Hydraulics Research Center (lead), the Ethiopian Institute for Water Resources – Addis Ababa University, and IHE–Delft, ITT – TH Köln (Germany)


    The film is intended to be used for project meetings, conferences, local TV channels, seminars, study modules, public use (YouTube and the water channel) and general promotion on partner websites.

    Key Partners

    The Hydraulic Research Center (HRC, Sudan)
    IHE Delft (Netherlands)

    We were approached by well-established research institutions working on transboundary water management in the Nile Basin to help them develop an effective communication tool and content design for the public.

    This film seeks to disseminate research findings and raise public awareness on the benefits of collaboration on transboundary water resources. It furthermore provides an educational tool to other researchers, incl. students, on the Tekeze-Atbara basin case study of transboundary water resources management.



    We were responsible for producing the film, including content and storyboard development, co-directing and post-production in coordination with local partners. In specific, we conducted the following activities:


    Explore and discover

    • The story board was developed on the basis of research information provided by local and internal research institutions as well as other primary and secondary knowledge sources from the basin.

    • Local community stakeholders were interviewed to share personal stories on how people are attached to land and water and to explain the interdependencies on different special scales, the status quo of collaboration as well as challenges and opportunities in form of tangible and practical examples.


    Co-create and design

    • Video footage was produced in Ethiopia and Sudan, featuring natural resources, landscape, communities/people, economic and cultural activities and infrastructure.

    • To leverage existing knowledge and include a wide range of stakeholder views, multiple partners from Sudan and Ethiopia were involved in the production.


    Reach and connect

    • The film has been widely disseminated through public channels (TV in Sudan, YouTube) and used in conferences, meetings, workshops and University courses.



    Links to publications

    • You can watch the film on YouTube by clicking on this link

    Let’s work together!

    If you need to produce a video in the water and sanitation sector, contact us!

    Contact us