Climate Protection Management in Public Projects
Toolbox for regional adaptation to climate change
Office for Nature and Environment Graubünden (ANU)
Cantonal decision-makers
With the climate toolbox, seecon created a regionally specific toolbox for climate change for the Surselva region. This toolbox allowed the affected area to draw up an individual and strategic action plan for regional adaptation to climate change.
In a second phase, and building on the positive experiences with the Surselva Region’s project, we extended the toolbox to the entire canton of Grisons, in Switzerland. The adapted toolkit contains all the necessary materials to conduct a climate workshop together with the key stakeholders. In this workshop, the effects of climate change on the regional business model are discussed with the regional actors, risks and opportunities are evaluated and the necessary measures are finally selected. The new Climate Toolbox Grisons is complemented with new approaches as well as new adaptation measures. Now it is used as an entry point for the cantonal actors to implement the climate strategy of the canton at the community level.
We were commissioned by ANU to carry out the following activities:
Co-create and discover
If you want a toolkit for sustainable climate change adaptation, contact us!
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