Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management in rural areas in Mexico
Training materials on ecological sanitation and stormwater management
GIZ Programme d’Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau – AGIRE
Unemployed youth, established businesses.
OCP (Office Chérifien des Phosphates) Group is a state-owned company leading world markets to export phosphorus and phosphorus products. It is the largest company in Morocco and a significant employer. To counteract unemployment, OCP created an organisation called OCP Skills, which supports the socio-economic development in the regions of its operations. In its 5 training centres, OCP Skills offered a wide variety of training courses ranging from CV writing to sewing classes to classes on managing one’s own business. To include green-technology jobs in its portfolio and thus respond to the group’s overall mission to contribute to sustainable development, OCP Skills intended to collaborate with GIZ-AGIRE (Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau) for developing a training programme covering (in a first phase) the aspects of ecological sanitation and rainwater management.
The training materials were also to be used to support activities in the framework of the implementation of the National Rural Sanitation Plan (PNAR) and of the master plans of stormwater management in the catchment areas in Morocco or in general for the capacity building activities in the framework of the AGIRE programme.
The main objective of this project was to support GIZ- AGIRE in the conceptualisation of a multi-stage training programme consisting of 1) “Awareness days” to create awareness on and interest in ecological sanitation and stormwater management, 2) introductory modules on ecosan & stormwater management providing detailed information on the current situation of water and sanitation in Morocco and basic knowledge on available approaches and identification of usage options, 3) advanced technical modules that promote understanding the technical processes behind a set of technologies and basic design principles, and 4) management modules focusing on business and project development.
In particular, we carried out the following activities:
Explore and discover
Review and analyse available information and training materials related to ecological sanitation and stormwater management from Africa and abroad.
Co-create and design
Review, comment and make recommendations for improving the structure of training modules developed by AGIRE programme.
Develop training objectives, detailed agenda, identify training content and information resources, and compile a description of a 10-day training program on Business Development.
Develop training objectives, detailed agenda, identify training content and information resources, and compile a description of a 10-day training program on Business and Project Management.
Reach and connect
Whether you want to implement face-to-face training or an e-learning course, we will help you create better, more successful solutions.
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