The challenge

Spatial disparities exist – places and regions can be more or less attractive for people and companies. Therefore, taking the proper development steps and building on existing potential is central to avoid falling into a downward spiral of outward migration and reducing essential services.

Our solution

For us, regional development means developing tailor-made solutions that contribute to a region’s sustainable development and reduce disparities between urban and rural areas.

Our contribution to the SDGs achievement

Coherent regional development can contribute to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDGs 8, 9, 10 and 11.


Regional development should lead to sustainable economic growth that provides local people livelihood and prevents out-migration (SGD 8). This goal is to be achieved, among other things, by integrating companies from rural areas into value chains and markets and ensuring the transfer of knowledge and technology for innovations (SGD 9). In this way, disparities within a country are to be reduced (SGD 10). However, regional development refers to the economic aspects of sustainable development and includes the social and natural components. Settlement development, mobility, climate resilience measures or overarching development strategies contribute significantly to SGD 11.

Regional development means developing places with high quality of life – where people see a future for themselves and future generations.

Simon Joncourt

What we do

We develop and manage regional development projects, analyse local and regional circumstances, and enable actors to implement their ideas. Moreover, we develop strategies, provide advice on projects or forms of cooperation, intermediate processes or execute projects in collaboration with local partners. Some examples of our services and the products we develop are:

Explore and discover

  • Systemic change management for regions and analysis and evaluation of regional business models and support programs.


Co-create and design

  • Stakeholder platforms, such as thematic focus groups, for example, on sustainable mobility.



  • Knowledge transfer and training events for regional development actors. For example, regiosuisse.


Reach and connect

  • Development of toolboxes to initiate change processes. For example, a toolbox to combat light pollution.

Let´s work together!

Do you want to make a difference in the development of your region? Contact us!

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